Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Natural Catastrophes Caused by Plate Tectonics Essay
Natural Catastrophes Caused by Plate Tectonics - Essay Example Another proof of the theory is that coal deposits usually associated with tropical areas are also found near the North Pole, and that signs of glaciations are evident in the plains of Africa. A third proof is the presence of fossils of exactly the same species during the prehistoric times are located on the earth in the spots where one would find them if the Continental Drift Theory were true. (Sant, 2010) Wegener’s explanation for the Continental Drift Theory is the â€Å"centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the earth†and â€Å"the ‘tidal argument’ based on the tidal attraction of the sun and the moon†(Sant, 2010). In short, Wegener hypothesized that either or both the rotation of the earth and the pull of the tides caused the continents to drift. However, he did not have any explanation for how exactly the continents were able to move. He met with opposition from fellow scientists who said that the centrifugal and tidal forces were too wea k to to move continents (â€Å"Alfred Wegener,†2011). However, the reasons for the opposition were perhaps because there was a great anti-German bias in the 1910’s and that his work was discredited because his training was more on astronomy and not geology. (Sant, 2010) Theory of Plate Tectonics (Theory, Evidence) The Plate Tectonics Theory originated in 1915 as an answer to the weaknesses of the Continental Drift Theory (Glasscoe, 1998). However, by the 1960’s, the theory has been widely accepted by scientists. The one principle on which the Plate Tectonics Theory lies is that â€Å"both continents and ocean floor form solid plates, which ‘float’ on the asthenosphere [and thus move]†(â€Å"Alfred Wegener,†2011). The asthenosphere is the molten, viscous liquid rock on which the plates move and is the one causing all the movements of both seafloor and continent. (â€Å"Alfred Wegener,†2011) Evidence for the Plate Tectonics Th eory include fossils of similar species found in continents that have now separated as well as evidence provided by paleoclimate studies which reveal signs of glacier formation in parts of the world that are now geographically separated (Glasscoe, 1998). Another evidence is the age of the crust. In Plate Tectonics Theory, â€Å"the farther away you travel from a ridge, the older the crust is, and the older the sediments on top of the crust are†(â€Å"Alfred Wegener,†2011). This is one fact that the Continental Drift Theory was not able to account for. If all land masses separated from Pangaea, then the land must be as old as each other, but how come the ages of these land masses are different from each other? (â€Å"Tectonic Plates,†2011). Thus, the Plate Tectonics Theory is more plausible than the Continental Drift Theory. Characteristics of Tectonic Plate Boundaries (Divergent Boundaries, Convergent, Transform Fault Boundaries, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Mount ain Building) Based on the Plate Tectonics Theory, plates are created through â€Å"rifting†or the separation of a continental crust leading to the formation of a â€Å"diverging plate boundary.†The formation of the divergent plate boundary occurs in four steps. First, the rift valley begins to expand from the pressure coming from the asthenosphere. Second, two continental plates result from the continuous expansion of the rift valley with the molten rock continually pushing the crust apart. Third, water collects in the middle forming a sea. Fourth, the
Monday, October 28, 2019
How Do people make economic decisions Essay Example for Free
How Do people make economic decisions Essay The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how decision-making affects the economy and people. It is obvious that free markets perform much better than communist markets. The decision making principals, according to this there are four decision making principals. In the first principal people will trade off, they will give something up for another thing they want. Making decisions means people will have to trade one goal for another. The second decision is giving up something when they already had one thing. People make trade off according to the economy. People have wants and needs therefore they need to choose carefully how to spend their income and resources. Choosing and item will benefit and cost, it will also mean that the person will not have the benefit of the item he or she gave up. Third the margin is thought of in this step. When considering the margin people will take into consideration the marginal benefit and only then if it exceeds the marginal cost. Last, people will react to incentives. People will react to price and benefits associated with their decision. My example of purchasing my first home was based on marginal cost and marginal benefit. I was renting an apartment in California and rents seem to be going up because the economy going down. People were losing their homes due to foreclosure and had to live somewhere. House prices were going down and rents going up, there was no telling when they were going to stop. I did the math and figured my mortgage would be the same if not lower with some money down. The marginal cost would be greater up front in the form of cost associated with purchasing a home. However, my marginal benefit in the long term would be even greater. Therefore, if rent was cheaper now, I would have to pay more the longer I stay in that apartment. The marginal benefit to purchasing a home would be the same for the following 30 years. The only incentive that would have led me to make a different decision is if they guaranteed my rent for the next 30 years. The economics related to the decision making and the working of the economy can be demonstrated by me purchasing a tool for my job. When I purchase tools I get the benefit of making money based on my ability to fix the customers gas turbines. The economy benefits the store where I purchase the tool makes money. When I fix a gas turbine it allows the customer to pump and produce millions a dollars a day, and they sell the product and make money, in turn they sell the gas to customers which, get to work and make money. A market economy is a type of economic system in which the trading and exchange of goods, services and information takes place in a free market (Market Economy, 2010). These types of markets are governed by supply and demand. A centrally planned economy like Cuba and North Korea decision are made by the government. Mixed economies rely in the state and the private sector to make decisions on the market economy and economic system. In a free market people purchase and sell services and goods. In this type of market people are free to interact. In a communist economy, such as Cuba and North Korea the government decides what needs to be produced and where to work. Decision can be based on marginal cost or marginal benefit; there is no doubt that they are a huge part of the consumer’s decisions to purchase goods. Whether it is the cost of buying a home or just a simple meal people will always weigh the cost of goods.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
war in iraq Essay -- essays research papers
George W. Bush is asking Congress for $80 billion more for the failed Iraq war. Congress is gearing up to pour more money to "stay the course" of the past two tragic years. Tell your Member of Congress that not one more dime should go to waging war in Iraq. Instead, the U.S. must end the occupation, bring our troops home, and support Iraqi sovereignty. Many good-intentioned people in the United States say we can't withdraw our troops now and abandon Iraqis to chaos and disorder. Yet the U.S. presence on the streets of Iraq is fueling animosity, motivating the armed resistance, and sealing the fate for failed democracy in Iraq. Every extra day and dime the U.S. spends on its reckless course in Iraq deepens the suffering in Iraq and at home. The President's fourth "supplemental" spending request for the Iraq war will add $80 billion to the more than $151 billion already appropriated. It is time for us to demand that the Administration and Congress stop perpetuating the cycle of violence in Iraq, stop sending so many soldiers and civilians to their graves, and stop diverting precious resources that could be used to rebuild Iraq and fund critical domestic needs 110 of these organizations have banded together to form U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW), a national organization committed to ending the war, returning the troops, restoring funding to social programs and government services, and changing the direction of U.S. foreign policy. (A list of USLAW affiliates is posted at the USLAW website at Union members and their family members are being killed, wounded, disabled and psychologically traumatized in a war that has already killed almost 1500 U.S. military personnel, wounded more than 10,500 others, a war in which more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died. This war is siphoning resources from our communities, starving or eliminating essential public services and social programs, eroding our democratic rights, and making our country even less secure. It is time for labor to speak out! At this time of discussion about renewing our labor movement, how can we not discuss the most urgent issue facing American and its working families? We ask you to put the issue of the war on the agenda of the up-coming Executive Council meeting. And we urge the national leadership of the AFL-CIO to oppose this reckless, i... ... the US to more than $200 billion through 2005. One obvious question when considering costs is why the government has to ask for supplemental appropriates in the first place. Why can't it be put in the annual budget request? According to Chris Preble, director of foreign-policy studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, "There is one good argument for not using Iraq costs for not being in the annual military budget. That is the risk you build in tens or hundreds of billions of dollars that are not applied to Iraq, but applied to somewhere else. However, that concern is completely overwhelmed by the fact that funding for war by supplements really seems to be intended to conceal some of the costs, and to present costs to Congress to be a fait accompli. Congress can't vote against such things without being accused of undermining troops in the field." According to Chris Hellman, military-policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington, DC, "It seems to me you have to ask the fundamental question. I believe if the president went to Congress and said we are going to put it in the top line and we need to fund it, Congress would say
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Investment in Gold and its effect on the society Essay
Gold is the most popular form of investment of all the precious metals. Many investors in the contemporary society prefer to buy gold as protection against crisis that may emanate from changes in the political, economic, social or financial systems in the society. Political economy has great impact on the economic development of a country because of the interaction between the economy and the society . For instance, a crisis may be caused by political instability triggered by social unrest or war, decline in market investment, inflation, currency failure and burgeoning of a national debt. The popularity of gold in investment has resulted to the establishment of a gold standard. The term â€Å"gold standard†refers to a monetary system whereby the standard economic unit of an account is defined by a certain fixed weight of gold. Investment in gold can have negative and positive impact on the society. This paper will discuss the issue of investment in gold and how it affects the society. Issues that will be addressed include how and why gold serves as money in the monetary system. In addition, how tightly the gold is tied to the movement of money as well as the ancient history and legends on gold will be covered. Discussion Importance of gold in the World Monetary system The human lust for gold has been witnessed since the existence of ancient races and civilizations. Throughout history, gold has always been used as a relative standard for currency and a form of payment. Ancient civilizations used gold coins as money because of their high value and lack of paper money. However, even after the introduction of paper money, the significance of gold in the monetary system remained. In the late nineteenth century, gold standards were introduced in various European nations. However, the gold standards were affected by a financial crisis that was witnessed during the First World War. During the war, the US and Great Britain were some of the countries that suspended the strict Gold Standard but Great Britain returned to the gold bullion standard in 1925. The significance of gold in the monetary system increased after the World War II when gold was pegged to the US dollar by the Bretton Woods system. Back then, the US dollar value to the gold was pegged at the rate of $35 per troy ounce. The system was eliminated after 1971 when the US made unilateral suspension of direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold. Trading in gold has maintained its importance in replacing money. In the US, the important role of gold was evident in 1975 when trading in gold for delivery was done in New York Commodity Exchange and Chicago International Monetary Market in 1975 . In 1980, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) sold about one third of its gold holdings and in 1986, the American Eagle Gold Bullion coin was introduced by the US Mint. Over the years, gold has maintained its high value and significance in the world monetary system in the contemporary society. Currently, gold continues to be traded across the globe on the basis of intra-day sport price which is derived from gold trading that occurs through the counter in gold-trading markets. The high demand and supply of gold drives the price of gold just like in other many investments. However, disposal and hoarding of gold affects its price in the market because there is more gold that exists to be supplied in the market for the right price. For centuries, gold has been the foundation of monetary systems hence as an investment is considered to be very critical in the global monetary system. This is because it does not generate income hence its intrinsic value is measured based on the Central Bank International Monetary Reserves. Many governments acknowledge the significance of gold in stabilizing the economy . For example, the end of British Gold standard in 1914 paved way for the World War I inflationary financing. The end of the monetary inflation in 1921 on the other hand resulted to stability in the United Kingdom and the United States. This stability resulted to positive effects on rising Bonds and Equity market prices and interest rates. Due to the need to maintain the role of gold in the economy, the Bretton Woods in 1944 ratified the US Gold Exchange Standard of 1935 . Central banks in various influence the gold price and countries can limit gold sales. For example, 1999, limitation of gold sales by the members of the Washington on Gold (WAG) who included Japan, Europe, US, Australia, the IMF and International Settlements was done. The countries limited gold sale to less than 400 tones per annum. Due to the high value of gold and its importance in the monetary system, ancient history and legends have confirmed how important gold has been for centuries. For example, ancient stories have pointed out that the Europeans believed that there was a place of immense wealth that was referred to as El Dorado due to the presence of gold in the place. As a result, many people made efforts to search for the place to get the gold. However, it has never been confirmed whether this place exists or not. In addition, during the Egyptian civilization period, the people used to bury great amounts of gold together with dead pharaohs in belief that they would use the gold in the afterlife. Just like the ancient civilizations, many countries are now interested in increasing their gold reserves as protection in case of a financial crisis. As a result, the countries make efforts to improve the returns of the official gold reserves. The modern world monetary system is founded on gold that has been held by the Central Banks and in the Treasury. Gold is considered to be equal to money due to its importance in the Gold Standard . The three gold standards that are used in the monetary system include the gold specific standard, the gold exchanged standard and the gold bullion standard . A Gold Standard ensures that the public can prevent governments from pursuing destabilizing monetary policies through escape Asset and Debt deflation or Fiscal profligacy. The holdings of gold at the market price by the World Central Bank constitute part of the World International Monetary Reserves(IMRs) upon which the World monetary system is based. Measurement of changes in IMR defines whether there is expansion or contraction of the World Central Bank Monetary Base. In 1944 at the time of the Bretton Woods agreement, gold accounted for about 90 per cent of the consolidated World Central Bank Monetary Reserve and because the United States owned about 90 per cent of the Central Bank gold, the dollar managed to become the International monetary system key currency. Gold has real money value because its value is not affected by changes in the economy or control by the government economic policies. Ancient civilizations recognized the importance of gold hence they had many prisoners of war work in gold mines in search for the gold. In 4000 BC, Eastern Europe began using gold to make fashion and decorative objects and by 1200 BC, Egyptians were beating gold to extend its use in the society. They even combined it with the other metals to create alloys and also use it for the lox-wax technique. In 550 Scathe Greeks mined gold in the Middle East and the Mediterranean and used it foe art and in the monetary system. In 344 BC, Alexander the Great is believed to have crossed the Hellespont carrying vast quantities of gold he had acquired from the Persian Empire. According to the Greek mythology, in 1550 BC, the King of Mycenae who led the Greek expedition to Troy had worn a gold funerary mask. The Romans also mined and used gold which they sometimes sought in the water streams . By 50 BC, the Romans were able to issue a gold coin known as Aureas. The value of gold in the society remained over the years and in 1299AD, Marco Polo wrote about gold that he had seen in his travels to the Far East. In 1903AD, the Gold Standard Act in the US was officially established and enabled the US to maintain a fixed exchange rate as compared to other nations. This ancient history of gold confirms how important gold has been to the society for many centuries as a monetary value and for other applications. Investment in gold Investment in gold is very vital in economic growth and stabilization of the economy . Research studies that have been carried out in the economic confirm that the economy and the wider society interact . Gold is considered to have great value as compared to other precious metals that are mined and used in the society. The significance of gold in relation to the world monetary system makes investment in gold an excellent long-term means of saving and protecting wealth from negative economic forces. Initially, gold coins were used as money when paper money had not been introduced in the economy. However, the introduction of paper money made the carrying of bank notes that were more divisible and lighter than the heavy gold coins more convenient. This case was witnessed in the US during the 1930s Great Depression when President Roosevelt advocated against the use of gold. Gold is also very important when there are negative or low real interest rates. This is because the demand for gold is increased when real estate equity and return on bonds are not adequate to compensate for risk and inflation. For instance, during the 1970s when economic changes resulted from stagflation that led to an economic bubble. In cases where national crisis is experienced as a result of looting, invasion, war or crisis, many investors are concerned about the seizing of the assets and the reduction in currency worth. In efforts to maintain the currency worth, the investors therefore consider gold to be a solid asset and a good form of investment. Investors have taken advantage of the relation between gold and money by investing in various ways. Many investors in gold as well as the economists agree that gold has become the world’s ultimate dollar hedge investment. Investors can invest in gold is various ways . For example, investment in gold can be done through direct ownership, Gold Exchange-Traded Funds(ETFs),gold mutual funds, junior gold stocks and gold options. In direct ownership form of investment, the gold bullion is very important hence the investors who choose to invest in gold through direct ownership enjoy permanent high value of gold. The Gold-Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) refer to the mutual fund that trade on stock like ordinary stock. In the United States, the two gold ETFs that trade hold onto the gold bullion. On the other hand, the gold mutual funds allow investors to invest where the funds hold portfolios of gold stocks of companies that mine gold while the junior gold stocks are preferred by the investors whose risk of tolerance is broader. The investors hence accept the possibility of gold-based losses. The gold options form of investment is used by the experienced and the sophisticated investors due to the element of speculation in gold prices. Investment in gold can also be done through the purchase of bullion gold bars. In many countries, the billion gold bars are usually sold over the counter in the countries’ major banks. In addition, the gold bullion dealers provide investors with an opportunity to purchase the bars which differ in sizes. As difficulties in storing, verifying and storing pure gold increase, investors now find it easy to invest in gold though a gold account. Because gold bars are easier to store, they are often sold as kilo bars. Investment in gold is also done by buying gold coins and this enables one to hold the monetary value through gold. Examples of banks that sell and buy gold counts over the counter include the Liechtenstein and Swiss banks. The American Eagle billion coin is the most popular gold coin that has been used for hundreds of years. These coins have a stated amount of pure gold made from the denominations that are provided by the treasury. The Gold exchanged traded funds are sold or bought as shares on the major stock exchanges in Sydney, New York and London. For those who investors in gold through the gold billion, a certificate of ownership is held. These certificates enable various investors to sell or buy security without the inconvenience that may be associated with actual physical gold transfer. Gold certificates were first issued to customers in England and Netherlands in the seventeen century in order to allow the investors/ customers to keep the gold bullion safe through the certificates.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Research critique part 2 Essay
Quantitative Research Critique This is a quantitative study research critique of the research study conducted by Lisa M Black PhD,RN,CNE, Tragedy into Policy: A Quantitative Study of Nurses Attitudes Toward Patient Advocacy Activities. The findings from this research study was used in the state of Nevada to protect nurses when reporting unsafe conditions in patient care practices, thus providing a safer work environment where nurses can feel safe when speaking out where patient safety is in jeopardy from unsafe care practices. Protection of Human Participants The benefits of this study were the creation of legal protection for whistleblowers in the state of Nevada. There were no risks to any participants’ safety for this study. Informed consent was not needed as retuning the completed survey was viewed as consent to be included. All participation in the study was viewed as voluntary. Approval of the survey tool was obtained from the University of Nevada, Reno prior to beginning data collection. (Black, 2011, p. 29) Data Collection The dependent variables in this study are the registered nurses licensed to practice in the state of Nevada; the independent variable was the Registered Nurses’ Workplace Support for Patient Advocacy Activities Study Questionnaire.(Black, 2011, p. 29) Data was collected through the developed questionnaire that was sent to 1725 registered nurses with active, current licensure and residing in the state of Nevada at the time of the survey.(Black, 2011, p. 29) The author provided no rationale for using the chosen data collection method, I would assume that this was the most cost effective and best way to maintain privacy for all respondents. The surveys were sent out using the United States Postal Service on September 8, 2008. (Black, 2011, p. 30) The respondents were asked to complete the survey by one of two methods, filling out, and returning the paper survey via US postal service or by completing it online. All responses were accepted through October 31, 2008. (Black, 2011, p. 30) After distribution of the questionnaire respondents were given the time period listed September 8, 2008 through October 31, 2008 to respond to the survey either written or online. (Black, 2011, p. 30) Data Management and Analysis A priori power analysis was performed and established that a minimum sample of â€Å"405 respondents would be required to detect a medium effect size.†(Black, 2011, p. 29) In order to determine if the study sample was â€Å"demographically representative†of nurses in Nevada, the demographic data was compared to the data from the 2004 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses from Nevada. (Black, 2011, p. 29) Reliability testing of the survey tool â€Å"demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency.†(Black, 2011, p. 30) No statistical software was mentioned in this study. Other than the reliability testing performed, the survey results were calculated with a total of 564 valid responses collected this represented 33% response rate. (Black, 2011, p. 30) Response number varied from item to item as most participants left one or more items blank. (Black, 2011, p. 30) I felt this study was a reliable source of information concerning legislation protecting whistleblowers from workplace retaliation. According to the priori power analysis the minimum sample necessary of 405 respondents was required; with 564 valid responses received the minimum sample size was met. (Black, 2011, p. 29) The limitations that are identified in this study were, the sample size was considered to be small, even with the randomly chosen sample there was a potential response bias, and due to the nurses who have negative work environments may be more likely to complete the questionnaire than those with a more positive one. (Black, 2011, p. 33) This created the potential for inflated representation of the frequency and severity of these experiences. (Black, 2011, p. 33) This is the reason for caution when applying the findings to nurses outside of this study. (Black, 2011, p. 33) The survey tool did not allow for differentiation of different types of unsafe situations or different levels of retaliation. (Black, 2011, p. 34) Interpretation of survey questions may vary from one respondent to another. (Black, 2011, p. 34) This research study was presented in a logical easily understood manner with explanation and definition of findings and limitations. The findings of this study to were used in the creation of a law protecting nurses reporting unsafe patient care practices in acute care facilities and free standing offices and clinics in Nevada. The creation of this legislation helps create an environment for nurses to carry out†their moral imperative to prevent harm to patients whenever possible and to report potential or actual causes of harm†to protect patients.(Black, 2011, p. 35) There were no suggestions for future research. There was suggestion for changes in workplace environments encouraging openness in communication and especially in cases where patient safety is a concern. (Black, 2011, p. 35)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs in Spanish
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs in Spanish Look in just about any good Spanish dictionary, and most verbs will be listed as either transitive (verbo transitivo, often abbreviated in dictionaries as vt or tr) or intransitive (verbo intransitivo, abbreviated to vi or int). These designations can give you an important clue as to how the verb is used in sentences. What Are Transitive and Intransitive Verbs? A transitive verb is simply one that needs a direct object (a noun or a pronoun that the verb acts upon) to complete its thought. An intransitive one does not. An example of a transitive verb is the English verb to get and one of its Spanish equivalents, obtener. If you were to use the verb by itself, such by saying I get in English or obtengo in Spanish, it is clear you arent expressing a complete thought. Theres a natural follow-up question here: What are you getting?  ¿Quà © obtengas? The verb simply isnt complete without an accompanying noun (or pronoun) to indicate what is being obtained: I am getting an error message. Obtengo un mensaje de error. Another transitive verb is to surprise or its Spanish equivalent, sorprender. To express a complete thought, the verb must indicate who is surprised: It surprised me. Me sorprendià ³. To get, to surprise, obtener and sorpender, then, are all transitive verbs. They must be used with an object. Intransitive verbs are used without objects. They stand by themselves without acting on a noun or pronoun. Although they can be modified in meaning using adverbs or phrases, they cannot take a noun as an object. An example is the English verb to flourish and its Spanish equivalent, florecer. It doesnt make sense to flourish something, so the verb stands alone: The sciences flourished. Florecà an las ciencias. There are many verbs that can be used either transitively or intransitively. One example is to study or estudiar. You can use an object for a transitive usage (I am studying the book. Estudio el libro.) or without an object for an intransitive usage (I am studying. Estudio.). To write and escribir can be used in exactly the same ways. Take Note Transitive verbs (or verbs that are used transitively) need a direct object to be complete.Intransitive verbs do not need an object to be complete.Usually, but not always, Spanish verbs and their English counterparts match each other in transitivity. Verb Usage in Spanish vs. English The distinctions between transitive and intransitive verbs usually dont give Spanish students a lot of trouble. Most of the time, when a transitive verb is used in English, youll use a transitive one in Spanish. However, there are some verbs that can be used transitively in one language but not the other, or the opposite. That is one reason you may want to check the dictionary before you try using a verb in a way you havent heard it before. An example of a verb that can be used transitively in English but not Spanish is to swim, as in He swam the river. But the Spanish equivalent, nadar, cant be used in that way. While you can swim something in English, you cant nadar algo in Spanish. Youll need to recast the sentence: Nadà ³ por el rà o. The opposite can happen as well. In English, you cant sleep something, but in Spanish you can: La madre durmià ³ al bebà ©. The mother put the baby to sleep. In translating such verbs to English, youll often need to recast the sentence. Note that there are some verbs that are classified as neither transitive nor intransitive. These include pronominal or reflexive verbs (often abbreviated in Spanish as prnl), compulative or linking verbs (cop), and auxiliary verbs (aux). Pronominal verbs are listed in dictionaries as ending in -se. Examples of Spanish Transitive and Intransitive Verbs in Use Transitive verbs: Comà tres hamburguesas. (I ate three hamburgers.)El estudiante golpeà ³ la pared. (The student hit the wall.)Cambiarà © el dinero en el aeropuerto. (I will change the money in the airport.) Intransitive verbs: Comà hace dos horas. (I ate three years ago. Hace tres horas is an adverbial phrase, not an object. The verb in the next example is also followed by an adverbial phrase.)La luz brillaba con muchà sima fuerte. (The light shone very strongly.)Las mofetas huelen mal. (Skunks stink.)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Jackie Robinsons Impact on a Cruel Society Professor Ramos Blog
Jackie Robinsons Impact on a Cruel Society Jackie Robinson, the first Black man to play in the MLB was such a big part of American History. He highly influenced so many people especially white people (who were extremely racist at the time). As a kid Jackie and his family were constantly getting treated terribly because of his race and he certainly learned how to deal with the criticism, and it only made him stronger and it prepared him later on in life with his career. Jackie united America through the use of sports, which America found tremendously inspiring. Playing sports consisted of teamwork, being united, helping and encouraging each other to do our best, so when everyone started to notice how Jackie Robinson was there for his team even after all the hardships they put him through, they respected him as well as other people of color so much more and made a huge impact on the cruel racist society.                              Robinsons Early Life Jackie Robinson was born in Georgia the year of 1919. When his father left him and his family at only 6 months old, his mother was forced to move to Pasadena, California in a white based neighborhood(Maury). They grew up in poverty and in a place where society was very ruthless towards African Americans. Jackie Robinsons mother worked various jobs as a single parent in order to support herself and her children. While living in a white neighborhood Robinson’s mother encountered a series of events with people who were extremely racist towards her and her family. Growing up as a child Jackie Robinson was highly influenced by his mother , because of the way she carried herself when dealing with racial discrimination. Robinson’s mother was a very strong and independent women even through all the obstacles she has ran into because of racism. As a teen, Jackie Robinson was involved in several sports at a varsity level and was the first athlete at UCLA to earn varsity letters i n all of four sports he played in college(Maury). Although he was extremely talented at many of these sports he was discouraged by the fact that so many African Americans that he knew with a college degree weren’t able to find a job due to the extreme racial society. Unmotivated by the fact that he came to believe that due to racism he was not going to be able to succeed in school and he dropped out of college and decided to find another job to help his family financially. Between all this, Jackie was playing baseball on the side, he didn’t take it serious it was more of something he was doing for fun, little did he know that he was going to be playing with an All white MLB team.                               Robinsons Career Before Jackie Robinson had entered the MLB, he was playing for an baseball league that was specifically for African Americans called a negro league team where, Branch Rickey, [who was the president of the Brooklyn dodgers], sent out scouts to look for a perfect candidate to draft into the MLB†(Gates). Although there were better players in the negro league, the scouts had their eyes on Jackie Robinson because of the way he carried himself during the games, he gave this impression of being unbothered by what other people had to say about him because he was very self motivated which was exactly what they needed. Eventually Rickey had Offered Jackie Robinson a chance to play in the MLB with an all white team. â€Å"In October 1945, the Brooklyn Dodgers had announced that Jackie Robinson was officially signed to their team†(Gates). It’s insane to even think about a black man playing in the all white MLB Team, all this happening right after WW2 and just a decade before Martin Luther King, Jackie Robinson was up for making history. In order to prepare Jackie Robinson for the MLB Rickey sent Robinson to play for a minor league team, the Montreal Royals. Jackies first game with the Royals was played in April 1946, throughout his first game many people shouted out racial things but Jackie did not let it get to him(Nack). â€Å"The Royals won their first game with Robinson, Robinson making 4 hits and 1 home run†(Nack). Robinson had started his baseball career great and because he had such a successful season he got promoted to officially start playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers. During the process of drafting Jackie Robinson, Rickey knew it was going to be a difficult journey for Robinson, but Rickey knew that Robinson would be able to handle the struggle of the racial discrimination, because the first impression he had got when scouts seen him playing for a negro league. Rickey had seen extreme braveness in Robinson when he took the offer to pla y in the all white MLB team, because during this time frame racial discrimination was highly intense for every African American. That following year in April 1947, Jackie Robinson finally made it on the major league team with the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking the color barrier ( It opened so many peoples eyes of all ethnicities, many white people even started to join civil rights movement because of it. Throughout Robinson’s first season was the most intensified, it had gotten so awful that Robinson would get kicked out of stadiums during his own baseball games. Traveling as a team was even worse, the entire team was not welcomed to certain places only because they had a teammate African American on the team (Gates). During games Robinson would get harassed and yelled at, he found himself having a hard time coping with the harsh racial comments and discrimination. People didnt care at all for anyone who was African American and i t was a very stressful situation for Jackie Robinson to be the only African American on an all white baseball team, but he pushed through it and showed everyone all the good things that can happen when uniting together not only in sports but in many other aspects in life for the future.                               Robinsons Impact Jackie Robinson made a huge impact for all athletes and for America which was extremely segregated at the time. Jackie Robinsons being the first black man in an all white MLB team was one of the most challenging things that could ever happen at that time. There were so many people in this country who did not want African Americans to even be near them, sadly, society was so brutal towards African Americans. Robinson dealt with racism throughout his whole life, as a kid, and as an adult. Dealing with furious Dodger fans, uncooperative teammates and many white people who had so much control over African Americans at the time and who were against his race. Jackie Robinson opened many peoples eyes and changed their views on other ethnicities, which had brought everyone closer together even through all the unpleasant reactions of others who weren’t as opened minded as others about an African American teaming up with white men.  Jackie stood his ground and when people would try t o put him down and discriminate him, this influenced many African Americans as well to stay strong and not let anyone treat them less than their worth, Jackie brought so much hope and enlightenment to the America that was dreadfully segregated. Jackie made it look very easy for him to brush off all the disrespectful comments and actions towards him and about his ethnicity which inspired many other African Americans to continue to fight for their rights. He had such an amazing effect on everyone at the time, it brought so many people together throughout the country, because of the fact that white men and a black man were coming together to team up as one. As seasons went by Jackie Robinson became so influential he had got innumerable people to follow in his steps of becoming united in this country no matter what ethnicity you might be. Jackie was such a strong person to even deal with a situation like this at the time, Jackie knew what he was getting himself into and he still decided to push through it and showed everyone the importance of being together especially through hard times of segregation. As he got more into his career as a professional MLB player he got more and more people to join the civil rights movement and they learned that treating people so crucial because of a skin color or race was very immoral. Slowly but surely Jackie was definitely showing people a different mindset than they were used to and many people looked up to him because of the strong and respectful choices he made for himself and for other African Americans who were fighting for their rights, this impact was so significant that even today many people ares still inspired by all his hard work he did and how he was able to make a big difference for America at the time and how it has affected America.                               AE Television Networks. â€Å"Jackie Robinson Biography.†Jan. 2018,                            Gates, Henry. â€Å"Was Jackie Robinson Court Martialed?†2013 Maury Allen . Jackie Robinson. Eves Magazine. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. Nack, William. â€Å"The Breakthrough†April 2015 Obias, Rudie. â€Å"42 facts about Jackie Robinson.†April 2018,
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Formal Charge Example Problem
Formal Charge Example Problem Resonance structures are all the possible Lewis structures for a molecule. Formal charge is a technique to identify which resonance structure is the more correct structure. The most correct Lewis structure will be the structure where the formal charges are evenly distributed throughout the molecule. The sum of all the formal charges should equal the total charge of the molecule.Formal charge is the difference between the number of valence electrons of each atom and the number of electrons the atom is associated with. The equation takes the form:FC eV - eN - eB/2whereeV number of valence electrons of the atom as if it were isolated from the moleculeeN number of unbound valence electrons on the atom in the moleculeeB number of electrons shared by the bonds to other atoms in the moleculeThe two resonance structures in the above picture are for carbon dioxide, CO2. To determine which diagram is the correct one, the formal charges for each atom must be calculated.For Structure A:eV fo r oxygen 6eV for carbon 4To find eN, count the number of electron dots around the atom. eN for O1 4eN for C 0eN for O2 4To find eB, count the bonds to the atom. Each bond is formed by two electrons, one donated from each atom involved in the bond. Multiply each bond by two to get the total number of electrons.eB for O1 2 bonds 4 electronseB for C 4 bonds 8 electronseB for O2 2 bonds 4 electronsUse these three values to calculate the formal charge on each atom. Formal charge of O1 eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of O1 6 - 4 - 4/2Formal charge of O1 6 - 4 - 2Formal charge of O1 0Formal charge of C eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of C1 4 - 0 - 4/2Formal charge of O1 4 - 0 - 2Formal charge of O1 0Formal charge of O2 eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of O2 6 - 4 - 4/2Formal charge of O2 6 - 4 - 2Formal charge of O2 0For Structure B:eN for O1 2eN for C 0eN for O2 6Formal charge of O1 eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of O1 6 - 2 - 6/2Formal charge of O1 6 - 2 - 3Formal charge of O1 1Formal charge of C eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of C1 4 - 0 - 4/2Formal charge of O1 4 - 0 - 2Formal charge of O1 0Formal charge of O2 eV - eN - eB/2Formal charge of O2 6 - 6 - 2/2Formal charge of O2 6 - 6 - 1Formal charge of O2 -1All the formal charges on Structure A equal zero, where the formal charges on Structure B show one end is positively charged and the other is negatively charged. Since the overall distribution of Structure A is zero, Structure A is th e most correct Lewis structure for CO2.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Leslie Fay Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Leslie Fay Case Study - Essay Example The essay "Leslie Fay Case Study" tries to deeper understand what happened at the Leslie Fay Companies by analyzing the business organization. The first four are geared in the strategic aspect of the firm. Prior to the audit failure, Leslie Fay’s mission is to design, manufacture, and sell moderately priced and stylishly conservative women’s dresses. The company’s product lines are targeted to women aged 30-55 years old. Even though indirectly stated, the company has no plan of changing its products in order to cope with the emerging trends. The company opts to stick with its current fashion statement. In order to pursue its vision of staying on top on the industry, Leslie Fay utilizes a strategy of designing and manufacturing products by trusting the instincts of the designers. It should be noted that as opposed to other industry players which rely on customer preference, the business organization opted to create what is fashionable for the customer. The whole marketing mix of Leslie Fay can be stated as offering fashionable clothing at a moderate price in department stores and enhancing a customer experience by offering seasonal discounts. Armed with this strategy, Leslie Fay captures its market niche and creates strong brand equity. In terms of financing, the firm relies both on liabilities and equities. It can be recalled that Leslie Fay banked on its prominence and profitability and went public in as early as 1952. The technology is seen as insignificant in the operation of Leslie Fay.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A PERSPECTIVE OF SKILLS NEEDED BY MODERN PROJECT MANAGER TO AVOID DELAY PENALTIES IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS - Dissertation Example They face a number of challenges that revolve around construction issues such as time constraints, workforce considerations, safety and continually shifting nature of work. They also face non construction related challenges such as government regulations, legal issues, socio-political pressures and environmental concerns. It is thus important to find out how we can raise the efficiency of project managers to enable them in managing projects effectively and avoiding delays in the implementation of the project plan and in turn avoiding delay penalties. This research thus sets out to identify the skills lacking in project managers that result in failure to avoid delays in construction projects. The research question is thus – What are the skills needed by modern day project managers to avoid delay penalties in construction projects? The findings of this study will help in providing an insight into the skills needed by project managers to avoid delay penalties in construction proj ects. The research involved a questionnaire survey of 100 project managers in Kuwait. The survey findings showed that lack of experience, leadership skills, project planning skills, communication skills and knowledge related to contracts and project management are the major skills lacking in project managers. This calls for a more integrated approach towards developing their skills. Recommendations have been discussed. The research suffers from small sample size, lack of specificity to Kuwait, and bias due to no tests of significance. Acknowledgment I would like to thank everyone who gave me a hand to accomplish this research, and many thanks to my academic mentor – Mr. Tony Phillips. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who have provided support, allowed me to quote their remarks and assisted in editing, proofreading and design. This research is the epitome of great efforts exerted to bring about such fruitful output. Last but not least, I appreciate and no t to forget the great help and the full support I received from my parents and my wife. Table of Contents List of Figures 7 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 8 Chapter 1 9 Introduction 9 1.1. Status of the Construction Industry in Kuwait 9 1.2. Construction Delays 13 1.3. Challenges of Construction Projects 13 1.4 Problem Statement 15 1.5. Aim and Objective of the Research 16 1.6. Rationale and Need for the Study 17 1.7. Significance of the Study 18 Chapter 2 20 Literature Review 20 2.1. Project Managers – Skills and Characteristics 20 2.2. Complexities of Project Management in the Construction Industry 24 2.3. Challenges Faced by Construction Project Managers 37 2.4. Research on Causes of Delays in Construction Projects 41 Chapter 3 46 Research Methodology 46 3.1. Type and Design of Research 46 3.2. Data Collection Methods 47 3.3. Analysis Methods 51 3.4. Ethics 52 3.5. Relevance of this Research to Project Management in Kuwait 53 3.6. Justification for Chosen Research Meth od 53 Chapter 4 55 Analysis of Data 55 4.1. Demographics, Education and Training 56 4.2. Understanding of Project Management 58 4.3. Holding Consultants Responsible for Penalties and Contractors for Delays 58 4.4. Knowledge Related Aspects 60 4.5. Skills that are Lacking 62 4.6. Problems of
BT Global Challenge as a case study (Chapter 1) Essay
BT Global Challenge as a case study (Chapter 1) - Essay Example It shows the ingredients needed to have a group of very different people put together to perform a task and successful manage it. The BT Challenge comprises of twelve teams, each having a set number of core members, skipper, leggers and support staff. The fifteen core members in each team are people from varying backgrounds, nationalities, ages and levels of experience. As discussed previously, the idea of the Challenge is to have a group of novices with very little or no sailing knowledge to take on this challenging assignment of driving a yacht across the world. This idea was initiated by Sir Chay Blyth who suggested that many everyday people thrive for a certain kind of adventurism and challenge which they can rarely find in everyday lives. This adventure was purported to be provided by the BT Global Challenge. Despite opposition to it, Sir Chay’s idea was immensely successful and attracted applications from all over the world. What now needed to be done was to take the model of the first challenge and streamline it so that a better route, scoring system and technologically efficient process could be engineered and accommodate all the new participants and sponsors. Training and education of the participants was also necessary before they could embark on the journey. The organizing committee was able to do just that and created a challenging program, detailing everything from the ports to support staff allotment, food requirements to team training. They recruited proficient skippers who were to take on the leadership role for the teams and steer the challenge to completion. Researching the BT Global Challenge is insightful and interesting as it provides access to information about how an untrained individual can be brought to achieve even almost impossible tasks. For example, the skippers understood the importance of getting together their team members as soon as possible so they could learn to work and live together. This shows
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Vignette 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Vignette 1 - Essay Example This program will be a compulsory for all students in Mr Smith’s general science class which will be focused at improving their interpersonal skills. The proposed plan will revolve around one main aspect which will be to gauge the students’ interpersonal skills and also to get their views as to why they act dormant in the class so as to reason on what is the best step on improving the student-teacher relationship. In order for the selected instructional coaching program to be implemented effectively, there is need to ensure that leaders play a significant role in selecting coaches that are well trained, developing a well-structured coaching strategy and also making sure that the student performance levels will be met(Glickman, Gordon & Ross Gordon, 2010). Together with Mr Smith, will generate a proper selection and guidelines for the entire instructional coaching program. This will enable the program to start with a well-focused goal on improving the area of concern which is the minimal level of the student teacher relationship. With regards to the self-assessment process of supervision, Mr Smith will start off the process by regularly reflecting and self-analysing his teaching performance as well as incorporating supervision strategies. The strategies to be used will involve an analysis of Mr Smith’s videotaped instruction, peer observation, analysis of the students learning, implemen tation of the professional goals and participation in various self-assessment activities. To initiate the self-assessment process of supervision there is need to effectively use the coaching skills inventory and instrument. There are a lot of factors that are involved in the coaching skill inventory instrument. Such factors revolve around the incorporation of communication skills and the relevant resources. Therefore, this step will be steered up
American labor system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
American labor system - Essay Example Thus, laborers are actually the real workers and builders who are at the back of every successful industry and organization. The origin of this occupation can be dated back to the dawn of civilization when man had to subordinate high class individuals to win food and security. Today a laborer expects much more than this: salary, shelter, security, respect, acknwoledgement, comfortability and assurance. Though these ideals are appreciated by all, they are found quite rare even in the developed and civilized countries as America (Kirkegaard, 2007). Struggling against its prior notority of ‘slave labor’ and ‘child labor’, this state has still a long way to go to get an ideal life for laborers and workers. Hundreds of unions and movements raising voices for the rights, demands and needs of the common laborers are emerging and actively working in United States of America, but still the condition of laborers is not much healthier (Hill, 1985). The most voiced comp lain against American labor system is the offering of lower wages and lesser facilities in return of much harder work and long working hours. These poor souls receive no sympathy from the side of employers and administrators, and they are treated rather like animals (Fletcher & Gapasin, 2008). They receive poor pay back for their tiring efforts and have to pay fine in the form of deduction from the expected salary for any mistake. They are deprived of basic rights related to humanly respect, empathy and acknowledgement, and their coordinators even regard them no more than mere machines who are not supposed to cater any emotions and feelings at all and whose function is just to run and produce. The working conditions are even not much better for the workers and laborers. Unhygenic environment, stinking smells of the materials and chemicals, over-crowded working places, deafening noises of the machineries, poorly lit working halls as well as long hours of duty are causing much distres s and frustrations among this community ("Inter-american labor system," 1975). Their problems are not catered and their complaints are not paid heed to. The economic crisis and the ever rising inflation throughout the world have also affected this community a lot and many of the workers are persuaded to opt for double shifts and part-time jobs, as a result of which their physical and mental healths are at stake. To fight against all these problems and to bridge the gap between the lower workers and the higher communities, American Labour Movement was started and laborer unions were formed (Dubofsky & Van Tine, 1987). This concept got its strength in the late nineteenth century, probably in 1866, and today it has got a much organized form. The workers of a factory select a representative among themselves by mutual consent who is considered to be responsible for conveying the messages and demands between the workers and the employers (Sheldon, 1947). The world politics has not spared it and today laborer union is regarded as a possible and most alarming threat against an industry. Other than holding strikes and causing troubles for the administrators, these representative groups are charged of demanding unfairly. According to the assisstant manager of a local firm, â€Å"Sometimes the union leaders cross the legal lines and demand for more than their rights. Obviously, the company cannot encourage such attitude that often erects hurdles for progress†. On the other hand, the union representatives claim that these
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Vignette 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Vignette 1 - Essay Example This program will be a compulsory for all students in Mr Smith’s general science class which will be focused at improving their interpersonal skills. The proposed plan will revolve around one main aspect which will be to gauge the students’ interpersonal skills and also to get their views as to why they act dormant in the class so as to reason on what is the best step on improving the student-teacher relationship. In order for the selected instructional coaching program to be implemented effectively, there is need to ensure that leaders play a significant role in selecting coaches that are well trained, developing a well-structured coaching strategy and also making sure that the student performance levels will be met(Glickman, Gordon & Ross Gordon, 2010). Together with Mr Smith, will generate a proper selection and guidelines for the entire instructional coaching program. This will enable the program to start with a well-focused goal on improving the area of concern which is the minimal level of the student teacher relationship. With regards to the self-assessment process of supervision, Mr Smith will start off the process by regularly reflecting and self-analysing his teaching performance as well as incorporating supervision strategies. The strategies to be used will involve an analysis of Mr Smith’s videotaped instruction, peer observation, analysis of the students learning, implemen tation of the professional goals and participation in various self-assessment activities. To initiate the self-assessment process of supervision there is need to effectively use the coaching skills inventory and instrument. There are a lot of factors that are involved in the coaching skill inventory instrument. Such factors revolve around the incorporation of communication skills and the relevant resources. Therefore, this step will be steered up
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Senate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Senate - Essay Example CA senators are term-limited to two terms while US senators are not. Such structural differences however, are merely superficial. The importance of the California economy to the nation’s economy makes holding a job on, for example, the agriculture committee in CA a critical job, and one on par with many US Senate committee assignments. CA senators command great respect due to their role in overseeing the critical state budget and economy. While US Senators have more formal powers due to appointment oversight roles, the structural differences between the jobs – even in light of the term limits – can be made too much of. Both jobs serve critical legislative functions. Where the real differences between the two bodies exist is found in political factors. Because the CA senate has been continuously in the hands of the Democratic Party since 1970, it is essentially a one-party system. Republicans state senators can have impact on their specific districts, but the stat ewide power is held exclusively by a single party.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Decoding the Dna of the Toyota Production System Essay Example for Free
Decoding the Dna of the Toyota Production System Essay Many manufacturing industries such as aerospace, consumer products, metals processing and industrial products had tried to adopt the TPS in their factories. But they have failed and get frustrated. The essence of the TPS could be in the system itself, the connections, activities and production flows. Also the great flexibility of their operations and this push the system to innovate and improve. The scientific method plays an important role inside the improvements and creation of any new methodology. Toyota uses a rigorous problem-solving process that integrates the sm. The system simulates workers ad managers to engage in the kind of experimentation that is widely recognized as the cornerstone of a learning organization. The four rules guide the design, operation and improvement of every activity, connections, and pathway for every product and service. The output of an ideal person, group of people, or machine is very specifically and clear. This kind of knowledge helps Toyota to reduce batches. The rules make workers capable and responsible for doing and improving their own work, by standardizing connections between individual customers and suppliers. The flow problem must be push to the lowest possible level of the organization. What did you learn? The first factor I learned is that we can’t copy o try to implement any system, no matter how success is it; we have to know the essence of the methodology and then try to apply it to another industry sector. In other case, we could fail as the article mention. The second factor I learned was the concept of the four rules that could have the essence of the success of the TPS system. These rules complement the entire philosophy of kanban, poka yoke, wastes, TPS house, etc. The problem is that many observers (managers, workers, teachers†¦) may forget to study the rules. The third and last important concept was the implementation of the scientific method in order to design new improvements that push the company to a higher level of quality, innovation and profit. It is the first time that I heard about a real application (outside a laboratory) of the scientific method. How can you apply them into your professional career? As I have told in other articles, the TPS is part of any Industrial Engineer but more in those who will specialize or work on the manufacturing industry. Also, the article mentions that today many industries want to try this methodology in order to success. So it’s important to understand the four rules or the whole Toyota system to make an improvement on our workstations, any working area or entire industry. It will depend in the position or level of organization we are. Conclusions The Toyota’s system success is based on the way of managing, how rules are followed and implemented, the specified and rigid methodology, the connection between the levels of the organization, and of course the high variety of tools and techniques that TPS has. But what makes this system effective is the four rules that other companies hadn’t did at all. These rules make the production system more flexible with a high variety of products at low cost. The great benefit of nested, modular organizations is that people can implement design changes in one part without unduly affecting other parts.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Russian Folk Dance: History and Relationship with Ballet
Russian Folk Dance: History and Relationship with Ballet Introduction 1.1 Background Information Russian people think that the Russian dance is a celebration of their lives. Russian folk dance and folk music discloses the feeling and an expression of spirituality. The visit to Russia is becoming an experience of this new land. Russia is known as an attractive destination due to the scary size along with an interesting history of Europe. It is considered as an ultimate tourist destination and the country is one third part of European countries with the diverse musical background. Russian dances are full of individual and huge performers (Chitranshi, 2009). Russian dances are the human activities which constitutes all properties about human. Thus Russian dance exists at this land along with their terminology, sayings, proverbs and conversations. In Russia, classical ballet is a ruler. There is no training for the modern dances and also there is no performance space along with some modern schools. Russian folk dance was common among the peasants, commoners and the lower class peopl e living outside the city (earlier than the rule of Peter). The higher class people did not dance but they were getting pleasure from the enjoyable performances of dancing trainers. The major differentiation among social classes within the culture of Russian dance took place as a historical event. That attack had broken the peoples way to live life and it also it changed the progress of Russian dances by stumbling its logical sequences. Russian classical ballet dance is very popular dance all around the world and it remained very popular since the nineteenth century (Chitranshi, 2009). 1.2 Aims and Objectives The researcher here aims to understand the concept of Russian folk dance and the reason for conversion of this into Russian Ballet dance. While the objective of this study is to analyse the concept of folk dance in Russia and various types of Russian dances which are famous in the country. 1.3 Research Questions In order to attain aims and objectives of the research, researcher has designed below stated research questions:- What are the various forms of folk dance in Russia? What is the history attached with Russian folk dance? How did Russian folk dance transformed to Ballet dance? How the dance, as source of entertainment had converted into professional dance? Who are the famous people linked to Russian folk and Ballet dance? 1.4 Russian ballet The actual ballet dance did not invent in Russia but the country has contributed very much for its development and currently Russian ballet has gained popularity all over the world. Various ballet dance performers along with the ballet companies have raised out of Russia and ballet theatres are attracting people in larger number. Ballet came into Russia during 1700s and in 1734, first ballet school was introduced (AlbrÑ–ght DanÑ–Ã Â µl 2004). After few years, an imperial school of St. Petersburg found first Ballet Company in Russia. It was first dominated by Italian and Russian dances as well as chorographers. In 1800s Russias Ballet dance incorporated some ideas from folk dancing. The higher class people did not increase and promote the art by supporting some companies. The French choreographer named as Marius Petipa and he was renowned for inventing ballet of Tchaikovsky. Russian ballet took place and observed in new era in the 20th century. It has been id entified in previous studies that Michel Fokine (choreographer), Vaslav Nijinksy (dancer), Sergey Diaghilev and Alexandre Benois (designer) set up the ballet company in Russia. At that point of time, superb dancer Anna Pavlova was taking the place. At present Russian ballet is known throughout the world and attracting lots of visitors. There is several ballet companies are operated in Russia such as Kremlin Ballet, Perm ballet and Imperial Russian ballet academy. The well known cities have established their own ballet orchestras and theatres and that are focused by number of supporters. The role of Russian ballet to the classical dances cannot be undervalued. It has been known from past many decades and considered as the indicator of the classical dance. It leads other type of dances. Young girls are becoming ballerinas and their dreams have been powered by the famous Russian dancers. Thus Russian ballet dance has captivated large number of audiences all around the globe. 1.5 Contribution of choreographers 1.5.1 Vaslav Nijinsky This choreographer is renowned as the male dancer of all times and he has also called the god of dance (Parker and Derek, 1988). After the long time of female dominance in the field of ballet, he overtook the ballet dancers of those times such as Pavlova, Karsavina and Kschà  µssÑ–nska established superiority in the within the male dance stage in twentieth century. His career in the ballet dance field has ended from past ten years due to his mental disease. But legendary of Nijinsky will continue until the appearance of such type personality who will overtake the ballet generation. Pole became the hero of an imperial Maryinsky theatre just after completing his studies from St. Petersburg school at the age of 18 years. He was the inspiration for the ballets in the western side. Then Fokine invented ballets for Nijinsky and other people like Ravel, Debussy and Stravinsky prepared music for him (AlbrÑ–ght, DanÑ–Ã Â µl 2004). At the time of First World War, Nijinsky as a Russian citizen was interned in Hungry. Diaghilev got success in getting him out of the country for the purpose to visit North American tour in 1916 and then he choreographed his main part in Till Eulenspiegel. Indicators of dementia praecox became clear for the members of the company and then became sacred of other dancers (Anthony, 2002). The first ballet of Nijinsky named as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“LAprÃÆ' ¨s-mÑ–dÑ– dun Faunà  µÃƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? has become a milestone within the history of ballet Russes of Diaghilev. That ballet was marked near to the period in which Fokine was the biggest dancer. Thus the dancer Nijinsky emerged as a choreographer and his thoughts stimulated the doubts raised by Diaghilev and it ran contradictory to the classical folk dances of Russia. The production of first ballet was totally based some choreographic scores and they were recorded by Nijinsky in his dance entry system. It remained for many years and he became unavailable due to his mental illness for reproducing the work. 1.5.2 Michel Fokine Michel Fokine got training from the Imperial school in St. Petersburg and then he joined Ballet Russes of Diaghilev in 1909. Then he went to United States in the year 1923 where he performed for the American Ballet theatre and Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. Fokine considered some artificial as well as random traditions along with the methods and techniques for expressive and natural choreographic styles. This style is known as the recurrent topic in the field of ballet dance. His new ideas and thoughts led the success of the Diaghilev Company. He choreographed so many ballets and Chopiniana that led Balanchine for trying the ballets which became his brand name. The classical ballet dance or folk dance has become unlimited since the days of Fokine and the people thinks that his choreography is old fashioned. So his ballets remained unproductive and suffered from deformation. He was surprised and shocked that it would happen in his career (Michel Fokine, 2011). 1.5.3 Petipa along with the Russian Ballet Marius Petipa was the leading dancer and the choreographer along with the ballet of St. Petersburg in the year 1962. At that time he invented multi- acted ballet for the imperial theatre of Tsar. That ballet gave directions to other ballets and it was considered as classical ballet. In 1869, Petipa took the position of the master of ballet to the Tsars imperial theatre. Then he created so many single and multi act ballets for the presentation on the Russian stages. Then he created and developed Don Quixote type for the ballet in Moscow. He choreographed large number of dances along with numerous types of ballets. 1.6 Russian Ballet Pushkin The present days consider importance of Russian ballet at quite a notable rate. Bolshoi and Maryinsky are among the most renowned companies and training schools for teaching of ballet. These are well known all across the world for their remarkable practices. It is appreciable to note that the tradition of Russia is into existence even in present era. The firmness among dancers and choreographers along with the support by audience has resulting in attainment of this position. However, the past of virile nature represents the main factor for survival of this dance. The ballet of Russia was imported from France though; it admiringly attained its own position in the culture and dance. The dancers and choreographers of Russia considered themselves as equivalent to that of Western countries. However, Alexander Pushkin was the main cause for writing style by Russia. The involvement of this man had resulted in portrayal of characters and story telling by utilizing themes of Russia that fits with the stage and survived for more than two centuries for Russian ballet. Western Europe was the main contributor to Russian ballet dance since the nineteenth century. However, the end of nineteenth century has resulted in formation of Russian ballet dance that differentiates itself from all over the world and become a leader in the arena. Didelot, the person well known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Russian Ballets fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Steinberg, 1980), in the year 1816 along with explored Pushkin also termed as talent at local level, Russia started making strides for development of its unique form of ballet dance. There was overlap between the Didelot and Pushkins era at St Petersburg for Imperial ballet. In comparison to the ballet dance of Western European countries, ballet dance of Russia lied far behind in the field of art. Talented Didelot along with Pushkin had resulted in foundation of unique dance of Russian ballet. In spite of the reason that these two individuals were not able to see the domination of Russian ballet, but they deserved appreciation for their efforts. The main characteristics for Russian ballet include as follows (Nickles Kalman, 2008):- There is an opposition existing between gender and nationality. Here nationality means the Western European and Russian region. Storys location for Russians Music composition of Russians Attitude against nation to reflect work of individuals. Unique dancing steps supported by choreography illustrating special characteristics for Russian dancing. On unfolding the ballet dance of Russia, the efforts by Pushkin in his development is influenced. The composition of music and theatrical efforts had been quite unique in Russia due to the talent of Pushkin. On combining these aspects, there raised development in new arenas. The effect of Pushkin to develop Russian opera finally resulted in improvement of Russian ballet. The ballet is usually dependent on music for most of the countries. However, as per Slominsky (1947) stated that there exists strong relationship between these characteristics. The experiments by Pushkin along with the fresh rhythm had resulted in creation of challenging situation among composers. As per Gerald Abraham, the Russians in this century enjoyed favourable time due to better lyrics in spite of pseudo classicism related to Derzhavin that are related to love poems resulting in new song in Russian for Pushkin (Abraham, 1985). However, this was inspiring to note for the dancers and choreographers. The influence by Pushkin allowed in recognizing ballet of Russian for recognition of unique genera and not the import of talent belonging to different countries. The influence of Pushkin had helped in influencing the Russian ballet dance to be recognized all over the world with own image. The influence of Pushkin and Didelot had resulted in enhancing history of Russia to provide a strong background for artistic power. The involvement of Soviet along with arts had resulted in better improved arts. The companies created in Russia, by imperial decree had gained favour from government to result in better learning experience. This had resulted in giving an opportunity along with the challenge. The support by two companies had further resulted in higher value of material found and helps in improvement of opportunities for research, but shall be well defined to ensure that there is no conflicting situation. Chapter 2- Literature Review 2.1 Soviet Union and Folk Dance The Soviet Union concerns for the study of folk dance as an important arena in addition to drama art and music. However, there was lack of recording that would have helped the dancers to develop their skills (Blacking Kealiinohomoku, 1979). Prior to the revolution, there was no focus laid on folk dance. An individual needs to be aware of choreography, philology in addition to musical folklore (Blacking Kealiinohomoku, 1979). Lack of recording system resulted in not availability of recording for choreography. The history of folk dancing in Soviet has been into existence from the 1920s to 1930s (Blacking Kealiinohomoku, 1979). The composers from Ukraine had been involved in this arena and the country was among those who started this concept of folk dance earliest among Soviet Union. The efforts by cultural groups have resulted in good collection of wide range of roles from all across (Bukland, 2007). After the formulation of Russia, the country was left with two choices: outward choice to follow western tradition, and inward trend to follow their culture and tradition (Schultz, 2000). That had raised the urge to have a thorough plan in such a manner that there exists a good balance between the two. The ballet present at St. Petersburg had been considered as Bolshoi too. The development of Maryinsky theatre at St. Petersburg in 1860s followed by the imperial ballet that performed at new theatre in the year 1889, and the company was named as Maryinsky Ballet Company. Thereafter, the name of ballet at St. Petersburg was changed due to the assassination by Sergei Kirov in the year 1934. Thereafter, Soviet Politburo was favoured for replacement of Josef Stalin. There was the opposition for Kirov, by left opposition party (Treadgold, 1995). Renamed ballet institutions had been compounded due to imperial city for Soviets. The ideology from patrons had acted against Russian ballet, and that raised the concept of training of dancers for demonstrating the Bolshoi Theatre and Maryinsky. The seats were restricted for higher official authorities. The subject however had to face censorship resulting in ballet dance as being quite conservative (Dees, 2004). That acted against the introduction of this form of dance as a professional business. Individuals willing to carry on the operation for their profession had to face this as the major barrier against growth of industry and individuals attached with it. However, there still persisted the importance for all the ballet training centres. Moscow Company was among the famous training centres for the name of step child in the end of 19th century. Talented pool of people gathered at Petersburg however due focus was laid on Maryinsky Theatre. This was the main cause of Petersburg Company leading quite ahead of Bolshoi Company and resulted in its brand value in European context (Bailey Ivanova, 1999). Regulating institutions too became an uneven situation. The Bolshoi Ballet was not as tough to be carried on as compared to Maryinsky Ballet. Therefore, the latter had to make available all the resources along with the support provided by imperial court. Therefore, Bolshoi court enjoyed freedom of art. That was too tough to find out when the ballet dance in Russian context came to be known all around the world. The native dancers had to be well renowned at that instance to bring awareness among the genera. The dancer named as Theophile Gautier at St. Petersburg, belonging to Imperial school had stated that the institution of dance results into remarkable group of soloists, incepting the corps for ballet which was same as for movement speed, precision, and unity. That was the moment of joy for the group to disband the right moment for reforming in quite a unique manner. The movement of those feet in perfect manner with proper match among the group, without any confusing stage were the causes of this success. The laughter and chattering were never there. The pantomime for dumb with no action, had the frame as per Lifar (1954), and his studies. That was the unique form of Russian ballet dance for executing during the mid of 19th century. Additionally, the starting of 1844 was the time when ballet dancers of Russia got trained at their place to start formation in West Europe for applauds. Though the dancers were applauded both at national and international level, non Russian choreographers belonging to different locations had formed the dancing groups. Number of dance historians at those times stated that the ballets of Russia are not too different than those of French ballets for the Northern wind (Lifar, 1954). Additionally, the researcher had pointed that the dancers of Russia get training and learning from outside sources. The choreography training in Russia too was not of good standard. Therefore, the training and development was though noted in the country for Russian folk dance followed by the ballet dance, there still lacks the trainers. In case there would have been good number of trainers in the country, there can be improvement in ballet dancers of Russia. The Russian dancers were one or the other way linked to non native place (Lifar, 1954). The learning from those locations results into convergence among Russians including Pushkin, various choreographers and composers for establishment of Russian ballet. There raises the importance to make an effort to improve the chronological sequence for ballets in Russia. There need to be a strong link between the choreographer, composer and writer. For this purpose, ballet dancers had to be compared with that of western counterparts to compare and contrast relationship between the two. Charles Didelot was among the most famous choreographers in his times and was in link with Pushkin. However, previous ballet dancers too had worked to explore the poems of Pushkin to develop ballet dance. 2.2 Isadora Duncan dance: the revolution of an artist in Russia Isadora Duncan dance is known as revolutionary person of modern type of dances who made the first Russian show or presentation in the year 1905 in St. Petersburg at the Marinsky theatre. That was the time making event that had changed the grand Russian ballet tradition. Serge Diaghileff was the founder of the ballet Russe and he told about Isadora that she have given the permanent shock to classical Russian ballet dance and she had pointed the ways which were followed by them (Netti et al., 1991). Then Isadora returned to Russia for six times in her life time and found inspiration of the Russian workers. It has been revealed in the researches that after several years, the people will make the professional as well as personal journey in the country to bring the gift of American Duncan dance to the Russian people or dancers and also they will find that what would be remained within the art of Isadora in modern St. Petersburg. CEC international partners which is a Russian company and it sponsors for an artistic exchange between Eastern and Central Europe. Isadora established a training school in Moscow by getting invitation from the commissioner of people who made efforts for brining art in front of the people. An ideology of Soviet anti-capitalistic requested to disappointment of Duncan with the millionaires in America who failed to fund the schools in Germany, France and Greece (Lomax, 1959). There was little stability within the training for current dancers outside the world of ballet of the Bolshoi and Kirov. From past so many decades, after the communism, an imitation of modern dance has been seen. It was the work of Martha and Graham and her European contemporaries along with the training in Jazz. The dance of Isadora Duncan has brought together another dancers named as Michelle Vazquez Kickasola (Ivette Sotomayer and Cuban American) are elevated in Miami where the Cuban community acts as anti communist party. There were bothered about the choreography of red tunic dances to the red army songs and that may be disgusting for the people who have reformed themselves in the Russian countries in twenty first century (Hilton, Alison, 1995). It has been viewed that so many people have learned the dance as well music being as the main part for their history. Number of old people from independent states like Uzbekistan and Georgia has lamented the lives of people economically and politically under the communism. 2.3 Ballet dance of Ludwig Minkus Ludwig Minkus was one of the biggest musical composers in the mysteries. He was having powerful posts in the imperial ballet theatres in Russia in the nineteenth century. He was known as an antecedent of Tchaikovsky but he was delicate being as a musician. Despite the obscurity, Minkus can never be forgotten. In early 1990s, the imperfection by Natalia Makarova and Rudolf Nureyev, the name of Minkus began to go outside again. Then Richard prepared the ballet recordings that presented some dumpy passages from the Minkus work and thus it provided surprising and wonderful things. From past so many decades, the words came to know about the music of Minkus and it was the traditional part in Soviet Union. That was linked with the legendary of ballet master, named as Marius Petipa. These works such as La Bayadere and Don Quixote were the two choreographers who carried by some valid protection from eighteenth century to the present day (Corona, 1991). They were presented first time to the pe ople all over the world. To ignore the expression of regret, the ballet was proved as successful. That success was consolidated and now it has been carried out by many companies from the federation of Russia. Thus it has resulted into the transformation of old ballets to new type of ballet. The success of these ballets with other types of ballets has laid within the power of score for bringing the emotions of the people and dance of life. Thus Minkus neither published nor revised but played several arrangements that have become very popular in all over the world. It needs a new life for the people who had given up the hopes of their lives. The musical power and authority of ballet has become surprising for the people. These ballet stories has the real power and human demand in which the choreography attracts the esteem of Balletomanes, attracts music in its regularity, the beauty of the music keeps the attention of many people and it engages everyones heart. Don Quixote is a comedy and known as one of the most touching novels in the world and it is about the beauty among the ordinary things. La Bayadere is a tragedy that keeps an eye on the sorrows of people in case of love with full of passion, unfaithfulness, separation and death. It talks about the two things together shows a satisfying symmetry. The ability of the musician responds to the effectiveness of both the sides such as dark and light of the human being touches the main demand of the drama. The life of Minkus and the compositions of ballets and the works are poorly diagnosed and documented, thus the proper and right investigation is needed for them to explo re the historical and critical material. The studies provided the help of George Verdak of Indianapolis and it made the copes of this material from the collected ballet scores. It continued by his inheritor before her death. Some major contributions gave by a professor who made scores of La Bayadere. 2.4 Partnership with Marius Petipa The rich success of his work of Don Quixote have taken a part as a major step in the career of Minkus and his first appointment at the imperial Russian theatre in St. Petersburg in the year 1872 as the first court composer of ballet (Degh, Linda, 1965). The death of other choreographer named as Pugni led Minkus to take his place. He became responsible for musical devices as well as library in the Bolshoi theatre. Then he was told to compose music for ballet dance for the opera Mlada. It was commissioned by the director of imperial theatre. Then the projects was ended, Minkus revised prolonged his materials after some years for the development of ballet. That was followed by ballet one after another and Minkus appeared at the Maryinsky and Bolshoi theatre and it was all the choreography of Petipa. The researches have revealed that between the year1869 and 1886, Petipa generated only 4-8 ballets without composing any music by Minkus and that was the important partnership of these two a rtists. Chapter 3- Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction The chapter here explores research methodology used to complete this dissertation. Researcher explores the type of study undertaken at this instance and the approach used for analysing results. The researcher also explores the type of data used in the research and the approach used for the dissertation. The researcher has also explored aims and objectives of the research followed by research questions to achieve these. 3.2 Aims and Objectives The researcher here aims to understand the concept of Russian folk dance and the reason for conversion of this into Russian Ballet dance. While the objective of this study is to analyse the concept of folk dance in Russia and various types of Russian dances which are famous in the country. 3.3 Research questions In order to attain aims and objectives of the research, researcher has designed below stated research questions:- What are the various forms of folk dance in Russia? What is the history attached with Russian folk dance? How did Russian folk dance transformed to Ballet dance? How the dance, as source of entertainment had converted into professional dance? Who are the famous people linked to Russian folk and Ballet dance? 3.4 Paradigm for Research For this research, researcher has used interpretative approach for research. Therefore, the interpretations acted as the main source for data analysis. In addition to this, the descriptive nature of approach was used for research purpose. Researcher has made an effort to collect secondary data from various sources to have a clear thought process for the subject under study. The folk dance in Russia, right from its history to present times is analysed. Various famous personalities were also covered in the research to understand the philosophical approach in the country. Although it is preferred by researchers such as Richards Hall (2000) to collect both primary and secondary data while carrying on the research process, secondary data was chosen hereon by the researcher due to complexity attached with primary data collection approach. Collection of primary data would have added too much to the complexity of this project. First of all, researcher had a clear understanding of the research topic to understand all the concepts related with Russian folk dance. This helped in designing clear aims and objectives of the research. Thereafter, secondary data was analysed further to formulate the dissertation sections and integrate them well to ensure the logical flow of discussion. Then researcher had made an effort to attain the aims and objectives of research by answering research questions. This helped in final conclusion to demonstrate the findings. 3. 5 Research Strategy Used The researcher has made use of case study as research strategy by designing of complete research process. This helped in clearly defining research problems that relate with the subject under study. The use of case study helped in gaining solution for the research. This had helped in acting as main cause for decision making stage to attain the aims and objectives of research. Theories related to folk and ballet dance of Russia were discussed to have a sound understanding of the subject under study. Therefore, case study was taken as a favourable approach for determining the research and evaluating it thoroughly (Robert, 2003). This approach helps in analysing results based on the theoretical framework prepared for the research. Case study is used widely as per researchers such as Robert (2003) to analyse the outcomes due to high reliability and consistency associated with the concept. These help in exploratory study of the subject topic using numerous case studies for using the replication process to analyse based on the theory collected (Yin, 1994). The conceptual methods have been explored well through the use of case study method to analyse the results (Yin, 1994). Through case study method, theoretical background of folk dance in Russia would be created to know about the existence of this traditional approach, which had resulted in Ballet dance introduction and the conversion of dance into professional dance. Therefore, case study seems to be the reliable tool for getting results within short span of time. This would also help the researcher to get rid of any sort of biasness due to different beliefs. 3.6 Method to Collect Data For this research purpose, researcher has taken secondary data as the choice. Number of books, and magazines were referred along with journals and various internet sources. These would help in formulation of strong base to carry out research process. The results would be obtained thoroughly through this strategy to attain outcomes. Relationship Between Parent And Child: Divorce Relationship Between Parent And Child: Divorce There are several key emotional factors that play a role in how a child feels throughout the entire process of their parents divorce and after the divorce has been finalized. The effect of some emotional issues may not arise until way after the divorce takes place. The following aspects often determine how divorce affects a child: age, gender, the relationship with the parents, and the maturity level of the child. Because of the amount of children who experience their parents divorce and the possibility that an equally high number of children will suffer same agony in the future, its important to understand the impact of divorce on childrens adjustment (Landucci, 16). Divorce is an unbearable occurrence for practically all children. The childrens initial reactions may include guilt, anger, and depression (Kaplan, 244). According to Smith children tend to hide their feelings of sadness and anxiety and have difficulty expressing their true feelings (55). They may also show changes in behavior such as fear, regression, sleep disturbances and grief for the other parent, which may cause them to respond with aggression or rebellion. VanderValk, Spruijt, Goede, Maas Meeus, suggested that problem behavior following parental separation is a warning sign that the child is having trouble adjusting to the situation (534). The children might become disruptive, disobedient, and disregard their parent requirements as a way of displaying frustration about the upcoming divorce (Landucci, 16). The relationship between parent and child may also change during the initial stage of divorce according to Wallerstein (410). The broken connection following the divorce causes the children to make immediate emotional and behavioral changes (410). Consequently, that broken connection changes the family dynamics as well. For example, the parent with primary custody may become stricter and more controlling while the absent parent becomes more lenient and sympathetic, perhaps because they are less accessible to the children. Both parents become inconsistent in their discipline routines and stop requiring their children to mature and grow up, which in turn causes them to have difficulty communicating with the children (Kaplan, 244). Once children go through the first stage of divorce, some show a significant capability to improve, whereas others do not. How fast children adjust to their parents divorce in the beginning depends on if a secure atmosphere is set up and on the support system accessible to the child. According to the USA Today, It is best to keep kids in the same house and school so they can retain the same friends, the same routines, and have some sense of stability in their lives (8) at this unstable time immediately following the split. Unfortunately, sometimes a secure atmosphere and support system is not available. Parents are at a loss and have to change their own lives. Family members are often critical, which may change their relationship with both the children and the parents. The childrens relationships with friends may also be affected because some feel embarrassed about what is taking place in their family. Friends of the family may feel obligated to take sides and only continue interacti on with only one parent. Consequently, the main support systems are decreased at a time when increased support is very important (Kaplan, 245). Several of the early reactions to divorce eventually become less difficult or go away by the end of the first year to 18 months. However, the long term effects of divorce on children can be severe. In a study conducted by Kelly and Wallerstein, on children whose parents divorced during their middle school years, children were divided into two groups: early latency (7 and 8 years old) and late latency (9 and 10 years old). The participants in the study were examined immediately after the separation, 12-18 months later, and during a follow up interview one year later. The results revealed that the 7 and 8 year olds were sad, while the 9 and 10 year olds demonstrated symptoms of denial and avoidance. Both groups of children showed increased demanding and aggressive behavior because most of their mothers lacked disciplinary knowledge. At the follow-up interviews one year later all but 4 of the children who had suffered academically hadnt returned to their previous levels (25). Ten years later, Wallerstein continued to follow the children in the study above. In this study she found that the majority of the older children acknowledged feelings of neediness, sadness and a greater sense of vulnerability. Although it had been 10 years since the divorce, the children were still sad about losing their two parent family and the lack of contact they had with their other parent. They feared being deceived in relationships and were very worried about personal responsibilities. One fourth of the girls and half of the boys were considered poorly adjusted and at high risk (205). How severe the long term effects of divorce will be on children depend on many factors following the divorce. In fact, the anxiety and stress after the divorce has more impact on the childrens mental health than the divorce itself. According to Kaplan, the children suffer profoundly if the parents continue to fight because they have difficulty coping with the stress of the break up when there is a lot of conflict between parents. If parental conflict and financial problems are reduced and if social support systems are in place, childrens adjustment problems are less severe (246). Unfortunately, parents difficulties involving finances, loneliness, fear, anxiety about the future, and the loss of social supports reduce their ability to give the children what they need to soften the blow of divorce (Kaplan 245). Children may cope with divorce in different ways; however, their reaction to divorce differs by age, gender, and maturity level. According to Smith one-third of divorces happen when children are under the age of five. This age group has the most difficulty expressing their feelings because they are so young (65). Therefore, babies may not understand that their parents are divorcing, but they may respond to their parents attitude and behavior changes. Preschoolers often have a negative reaction. According to Wallerstein et al., they are too young to understand what is going on; therefore, they may blame themselves for the divorce. They may also regress; have separation anxiety, and fear being abandoned. School age children feel helpless and scared when their parents divorce. They frequently experience loyalty problems because they feel like they have to choose between their parents (199). According to Wallerstein et al., Approximately half of the children in this age group had severe drops in academic achievements during the first year of their parents divorce. This age group is also often angry at one or both parents. Teenagers tend to have difficulty coping with anger when their parents divorce (200). According to Smith, teenagers are vulnerable because they are starting to get an understanding of the adult world and sometimes are conflicted in how they should show their emotions (60). They often show signs of depression, acting out, emotional and social withdrawal, and have anxiety about their future (Kaplan, 245). They may also feel unloved, insufficient, ineffective, and attacked as a result of the divorce (Smith, 60). The effect of divorce tends to be greater for boys than it is for girls. Boys are much more likely to experience academic, social, and psychological problem than girls. According to VanderValk et al., boys tend to act out their emotions through externalized problem behavior while girls tend to internalize their emotions. Girls raised by their father tend to be less responsible and less mature than girls raised by their mothers. On the other hand, psychologists believe fathers have an effect on their daughters development. Girls raised by their mothers tend to have difficulty relating to men later on. Girls with divorced parents are also more flirtatious, sexually precocious, and seductive. (Kaplan, 245). Almost one in three children will undergo the pain of their parents divorcing. Therefore its beneficial to know how divorce affects children. Even through numerous children change from a two parent home to a one parent home with ease some face challenges as they make the transition into this new type of family. The less pain and stress there is in the home, the simpler the transition will be for the child. It is valuable to let children talk about what they are feeling so that they wont develop behaviors that will affect them later in life. It is also valuable for parents to help their children develop coping skills to deal with their feeling regarding the divorce to guarantee that they develop strategies to help them grow personally, psychologically, and socially (Landucci, 20). In conclusion, children first reaction to divorce can include a variety of emotions and behaviors. They usually recover from the immediate devastation of their intact family ending after a year or so; however, the long term effects of divorce can be severe if parents continue to fight and have no support system to support them transitioning into their new life. The use of divorce mediation services can ease some of the stress (Kaplan, 260).
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